- This folder provides you with sample agendas and what you need to organise an AGM. Some of the information may not be relevant to your club, but there is lots of useful information for you that NFYFC have prepared.
- Club Officer Roles documents are included in the folder that you can share with the newly elected officials so that they understand what is expected of them.
- Open Club Standard Constitution – A constitution is a club’s ‘rulebook’ which contains the governing rules of the club. Attached is a standard NFYFC Club Constitution which Clubs must amend to suit their club and approve annually. Within the Club Constitution, you also confirm the membership ages for your club. The constitution should be adopted, signed and completed at the Annual General Meeting and stuck on the inside cover of the Club Minute Book.
Here are a few things that must be done in the Club AGM:
- Approve the minutes from the last AGM (proposer, seconder, show of hands).
- Adopt the annual report – the Chairman’s report on the year (proposer, seconder, show of hands).
- Adopt the accounts/financial report given by the Club Treasurer (proposer, seconder, show of hands).
- Adopt the Club Constitution for the year – as mentioned earlier, this should be adopted, signed and completed at the Annual General Meeting and stuck on the inside cover of the Club Minute Book (proposer, seconder, show of hands).
- Confirm the annual subscription (membership fees) with a proposer, seconder, show of hands. The Finance & Development Committee will be putting forward the proposal at the County AGM “That the YFC Annual Membership Fee for members joining clubs within Montgomery from 1st September 2022 should be £35,” so we will keep you posted on the county decision.
This folder includes lots of useful information to support the running of a Young Farmers Club. One resource that you may find particularly useful is the guide to managing U18s, as many of you have a large percentage of Junior members.
This guide contains all the information you need to set up and run a Young Farmers’ Club. It includes job descriptions, templates, resources and top tips that will help you and your fellow officers to carry out your roles effectively and with confidence, enhancing your YFC volunteering experience.
The Montgomery YFC Trust Fund exists to improve and develop the work of the Federation. The Trust Fund can award grants or contributions towards the following:
- To individual YFC members and officials towards costs incurred in attending Courses, Conferences, Training Events etc. organised by the YFC movement or other short courses etc. which are relevant to their work in the movement, or to the agricultural industry, or to their local communities.
- To individual clubs, groups of clubs or the Federation towards the cost of organising courses and training events for members or others involved in the movement.
- To new clubs to assist with the initial costs of formation.
- To individual clubs or the groups of clubs or the Federation for the purchase of items of equipment.
- For such other purposed as the Federation’s Executive Committee shall from time to time decide.
- Travel Expenses (Percentage towards Under 18 costs).
- For Promotional Items.
- For Club / County clothing.
Click on the link above to find a template for writing Minutes that Secretaries can amend and use for Club Meeting Minutes.