Host Instructions

    Please read the instructions and FAQs before hosting to ensure that the activity is suitable for your members and the number of members in attendance. Although it asks for you to make a donation at the start of the activity, this is not necessary as Montgomery YFC have already donated on your behalf.

    We recommend that you read the FAQs before organising your Club Night.

    To start with, you will need to assign each guest and yourself a cell number. There are 4 cells. You must occupy all 4 cells to play. If you have more than 4 players, then you can have multiple players in cells. If you have less than 4 players, 1 or 2 players can look at multiple cell sheets. Players will be prompted to download the PDF for their cell once you start the game.

    Set up your video call so that you can hear each other. It’s all about teamwork!

    Enter the game through the link below. Share the link with your guests who can all play along at the same time. Each player will need to input all the answers to move through the game together.


    Helpful Tips

    Use the clues to solve the puzzles. Enter your answer on the right of the puzzle to get through to the next level.

    If you get stuck, there are clues next to each puzzle to help you. If you get really stuck, don’t worry, there is a button underneath the final clue that will help you unlock the next riddle.

    Once you enter the next round, you cannot go back to the previous puzzle. You can get back to where you are by inputting the answers again.

    If you are playing with a large group of people, why not split into teams and race to escape the fastest? Download your handy scoreboard here to note down everyone’s finishing time.


    Play Trapped! An Escape Room