Siôn Lloyd-Evans

    Agri Chairman

    Cadeirydd Amaeth

    Mae’r flwyddyn diwethaf wedi cael effaith enfawr ar bob agwedd or CFfI a’r pwyllgorau ynddo. Ond rydyn ni fel pwyllgor Amaeth wedi gyrru ymlaen a heb rhoi ganiatáu i Covid effeithio arnom. Fel pwyllgor cymharol newydd roeddem yn benderfynol o gadw’r gweithgareddau i fynd mor gryf ag y gwnaethant yn ystod yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf.

    Fe wnaethon ddechrau’r flwyddyn gyda sgwrs gan Newbridge Farm, Meifod sydd wedi cychwyn menter newydd yn ddiweddar ‘Llaeth y Bont’: gwerthu llaeth, ysgytlaeth, ffrwythau a llysiau i’r cyhoedd o’u iard eu hunain, gan hyrwyddo neges bwyd Prydeinig yn wirioneddol – o’r fferm i blât. Gyda nifer anhygoel o dros 50 o aelod yn y cyfarfod hwn, fe wnaeth hyn ein sbarduno i drefnu mwy o ddigwyddiadau.

    Yn dilyn trafodaeth mewn cyfarfod Sirol, aeth y pwyllgor Amaeth ati i gynnal noson ‘zoom’ i drafod rheolaeth llygredd amaethyddol – NVZ’s. Gwahoddwyd, Craig Williams MP a Russell George MS a chynrychiolwyr o nifer o undebau a sefydliadau amaethyddol, gan roi cyfle i’n haelodau herio’r cynnig a oedd i fod i gael ei drafod yn Senedd Cymru y diwrnod canlynol. Roedd y noson yn llwyddiant ysgubol gydag o leiaf 50 aelod yn bresennol. Yn ystod y ddadl seneddol, cafodd barn CFfI Maldwyn eu portreadu gan Russell George, a oedd yn glod i’n sir. Fel y gwyddom i gyd bellach, yn anffodus pasiwyd y cynnig NVZ, fodd bynnag, fel pwyllgor rydyn yn falch ein bod wedi galluogi ein haelodau i gymryd rhan yn y drafodaeth.

    Roedd llwyddiant y noson hon yn atseinio ledled y sir ac roedd yn anrhydedd i ni gael cais i gynnal Hustings sir Drefalwdyn cyn etholiadau’r Senedd. Unwaith eto cafodd gefnogaeth llawn pawb a oedd yn sefyll, ynghyd â chynrychiolwyr o undebau ffermio a sefydliadau eraill. Roedd aelodau CFfI yn gallu cyflwyno cwestiynau a oedd yn faterion pwysig iddynt a gwrando ar farn yr ymgeiswyr. Unwaith eto, presenoldeb gwych a ddangosodd ei bod yn bosibl cynnwys pobl ifanc mewn gwleidyddiaeth a materion sy’n eu poeni.

    This year has had a huge impact on all aspects of YFC and the committees within it, but we as an Agri committee have driven on and not allowed Covid to affect us. As a relatively new committee we were determined to keep activities going as strong as they have in the last few years.

    We kick started the year with a talk from Newbridge Farm, Meifod who have recently began a new venture ‘Llaeth y Bont’: selling milk, milkshakes, fruit and vegetables to the public from their own yard, really promoting the message of British food from farm to plate. With an amazing turn out of over 50 members in this meeting, this spurred us on to organise more events.

    Following a discussion in a County Executive meeting, the Agri committee set out to hold a zoom night to discuss the control of agricultural pollution regulations – NVZ’s. Craig Williams MP and Russell George MS and representatives from a number of agricultural unions and organisations were invited and gave our members the opportunity our members to challenge the motion that was due to be debated in the Welsh Senedd the following day. The evening was a tremendous success with at least 50 members attending. During the debate the views of ‘Montgomery YFC’ were highlighted by Russell George, which was a credit to our county. As we all now know, unfortunately the NVZ motion was passed, however, as a committee we are proud that we enabled our members to get involved in the discussion.

    The success of this night resonated across the county and we were honoured to be approached to host a Montgomeryshire County Hustings prior to the Senedd elections. Once again it was fully supported by all those standing, as well as representatives from the farming unions and other organisations. YFC members were able to put forward questions which were important issues for them and listen to the views of the candidates. Again, a brilliant attendance which demonstrated that it is possible to engage young people in politics and the issues that concern them.

    Committee Officials

    Swyddogion y Pwyllgor

    Siôn Lloyd-Evans



    Elin Haf Williams

    Vice Chairman


    Fflur Roberts

