2020, blwyddyn na fydd neb byth yn anghofio am resymau da a drwg! Trodd ein bywydau i gyd wyneb i waered ond fel mudiad Ffermwyr Ifanc, fel aelodau, nid ydym erioed wedi bod mor falch o fod yn rhan o gymuned mor anhygoel. Fel clwb, fe wnaethon ni addasu’n gyflym i ffyrdd newydd o wneud pethau, popeth yn rhithol fwy neu lai. Roedd cynhyrchu fideo “pasio’r welly” gyda phob un o’r 22 aelod yn cymryd rhan, a gafodd dros 22,700 o olygfeydd oedd un o’n uchafbwyntiau. Cymerodd ein merched ran hefyd yn y rali rithwir gan gystadlu mewn nifer o gystadlaethau gan gynnwys llunio fideo dawns.
Cyn gynted ag y cyhoeddodd y llywodraeth y dylai pobl bregus ynysu i amddiffyn eu hunain rhag y firws, roeddem yn meddwl ar unwaith fod angen ein help ar ein cymuned ac roedd yn bryd camu i fyny. Fe wnaethon ni sicrhau bod pawb yn Aberhafesp a’r ardal gyfagos yn gwybod ein bod ni yma i helpu ac roedd yn gyfle i ni fel Clwb Ffermwyr Ifanc, fod yno i gefnogi, cynorthwyo a helpu ein cymuned. Dechreuodd y galwadau ddod i mewn ar unwaith ac roedd ein haelodau’n casglu presgripsiynau, yn siopa ac weithiau dim ond angen bod yno i gael sgwrs pan oedd pobl yn teimlo’n unig.
Wrth i’r flwyddyn newydd ddechrau ym mis Medi roeddem mor falch o gael nosweithiau clwb yn dechrau eto gyda noson gwis ar gyfer ein noson aelodau newydd. Aeth Erin Lovell, un o’n haelodau newydd ymlaen i gynrychioli Maldwyn yn y gystadleuaeth ‘Stand Up’ yn yr Eisteddfod Rithiol a daeth yn 3ydd ar lefel Cymru. Rydym mor falch o Erin ac ni allwn aros i’w gweld yn tyfu fel aelod a bod yn rhan o’n clwb.
Mae ein haelodau wedi camu i fyny ac ymateb mor dda i’r pandemig. Mae llawer o’n haelodau iau wedi gorfod addasu trwy fynychu’r ysgol ar-lein a methu â chael y profiadau y byddent fel arfer. Nid yw llawer o’n haelodau hŷn wedi stopio er ei fod yn teimlo bod gweddill y byd wedi! Roedd angen bwydo’r gwartheg o hyd, roedd angen adeiladu siediau ac roedd angen hell y cynaeaf, ac i’n haelodau iddim cael y rhan gymdeithasu honno o fudiad y CFfI, lle gallai aelodau sgwrsio a chael hwyl wedi gwneud eleni’n anodd i lawer ohonom, ond diolch byth am y cyfarfodydd Zoom! Effeithiodd hyn ar bawb yn wahanol ond rydem yn teimlo fel clwb ein bod yn glynu wrth ein gilydd, yn cael sesiynau dal i fyny bob mis i wirio a phawb ac i gael sgwrs. Fe wnaethon ni gynnal noson crempog, cwis, addurniadau Nadolig a chymaint mwy, a chael llawer o hwyl ar hyd y ffordd.
Roeddem yn falch ein bod ar y rhestr fer ar gyfer Gwobr Gymunedol Sir Drefaldwyn ac yn teimlo bod ein henwebiad ar ran holl glybiau CFfI a wnaeth eu rhan yn ystod yr amseroedd anoddaf.
Ym mis Awst 2020 roeddem yn bwriadu cael taith gerdded elusennol er budd ‘Yellow Wellies’ ond oherwydd y pandemig mae’n amlwg na allith fynd ymlaen. Rydym yn gobeithio felly drefnu’r digwyddiad rywbryd yn yr haf a hoffem wahodd pob clwb ledled y sir i gymryd rhan – felly cadwch eich llygaid ar agor!
2020, a year no one will ever forget for both good and bad reasons! All our lives turned upside down but as a Young Farmers movement, as members, we have never been so proud to be involved in such an amazing community. As a club, we quickly adapted to new ways of doing things, everything virtually. Producing a “pass the welly” video with all 22 members taking part, which had over 22,700 views was one of our highlights. Our girls also took part in the virtual rally competing in a number of competitions including putting together a dance video.
As soon as the government announced that vulnerable people should isolate to protect themselves from the virus, we instantly thought that our community needed our help and it was time to step up. We made sure everyone in the Aberhafesp and surrounding area knew that we were here to help and it was a chance for us as a Young Farmers Club, to be there and support, assist and help our community. The calls started coming in straight away and our members collected prescriptions, picked up shopping and sometimes just needed to be there for a chat when people felt lonely.
As the new year began in September we were so pleased to have club nights starting again with a quiz night for our new members evening. Erin Lovell, one of our new members went on to represent Montgomery in the ‘Stand Up’ competition in the Virtual Eisteddfod and came 3rd at Wales level. We are so proud of Erin and can’t wait to see her grow as a member and be a part of our club.
Our members have stepped up and reacted so well to the pandemic. Many of our younger members have had to adapt by attending school online and not getting the experiences they normally would. Many of our older members haven’t stopped even though it felt the rest of the world had! The cows still needed feeding, sheds needed building and the crops needed harvesting, and for our members not to have that socialising part of the YFC movement, where members could chat and have fun has really made this year hard for many of us, but thank goodness for Zoom meetings! This affected everyone differently but we felt as a club we stuck together, having monthly catch ups to check up on everyone and to have a chat. We held a pancake night, quiz, Christmas decorations and so many more, and had a lot of laughs along the way.
We were pleased to be shortlisted for a Montgomeryshire Community Award and feel that our nomination was on behalf of all YFC clubs that did their bit during the most difficult times.
In August of 2020 we were intending to have a charity walk in aid of Yellow Wellies but due to the pandemic it obviously couldn’t go ahead. We are hoping therefore to arrange the event sometime in the summer and we would like to invite all clubs throughout the county to take part – so keep your eyes peeled!
Ysgrifennyddes Cofnodion
Ysgrifennyddes Cymdeithasol